Here are my feet, on the streets of San Francisco!
After we landed, on time, we headed to our hotel, and grabbed a bite to eat at Maxwells, a cute little restaurant down the road from our hotel. Then it was off to Alcatraz for our nighttime tour! Here is a shot of Alcatraz as we were heading towards it on the boat. The boat ride over was great! We got to see the sun starting to set with the Golden Gate Bridge in the Background.
This is a neat shot of an old building on Alcatraz, and a unique tree next to it. The sun was going down pretty quickly, so I was lucky to capture this shot! we walked up the same roads the inmates would have walked up as we approached the prison. It was a creepy feeling.
Here is a fun picture of myself, Jenny and Nicole in one of the jail cells. The cells were no larger than my bathroom, and very depressing. I cannot imagine spending 10, 15, + years of my life locked up in one of those cells.
After the Alcatraz tour, we were running late meeting some of our co-workers for dinner. We tried to find a cab, but there were none to be found. On the sidewalks there were a bunch of these "bike cabs" lined up. They could only hold 3 people on the seat, but one guy insisted he could take 4. So we hopped on! What a ride! He definately got a workout hauling us. He was hillarious, singing and making animal sounds the whole ride. That is him in the green shirt in the photo.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel to get a good night sleep before the conference started on Saturday morning. We were going to grab a cab, but again did not see any. So we thought we would start walking and grab one when we saw one. Well, that turned into a 2+ mile walk, all uphill (and we are talking steep San. Fran. hills!) back to the hotel. Some of us loved it, others were not so happy that they had power walkers speed walking and running up the hills ahead of them. It felt so good to be outside, walking and in the fresh air! My legs hurt the next morning, but it was worth it!
This is a neat shot of an old building on Alcatraz, and a unique tree next to it. The sun was going down pretty quickly, so I was lucky to capture this shot! we walked up the same roads the inmates would have walked up as we approached the prison. It was a creepy feeling.
After dinner we headed back to the hotel to get a good night sleep before the conference started on Saturday morning. We were going to grab a cab, but again did not see any. So we thought we would start walking and grab one when we saw one. Well, that turned into a 2+ mile walk, all uphill (and we are talking steep San. Fran. hills!) back to the hotel. Some of us loved it, others were not so happy that they had power walkers speed walking and running up the hills ahead of them. It felt so good to be outside, walking and in the fresh air! My legs hurt the next morning, but it was worth it!
So, that ends day one of our trip. More to come on days 2-4.